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The transfer

Your presentation


Old becomes new.
We make your upgrade effortless.

Imagine that you have developed the perfect new slide master for your company presentations - modern, appealing and tailored precisely to your brand. But then you're faced with a common problem: hundreds, if not thousands, of your existing presentation slides are still in the old design. The prospect of manually updating every single document is time and resource intensive. This is where ShiftDeck comes into play.

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Companies that trust PassDeck

The ShiftDeck in detail



We transfer your existing content from the previous presentation into your new master template. You can either have us create it for you or bring your own slide master file.


Foil selection

We take a close look at the slide master, select the right template for you and transfer the content.


Corporate Design Check

It is very important to us to work and move within your specifications through your corporate design manual. In doing so, we pay close attention to the guidelines that have been laid down. At your request, we are also happy to provide new and creative impulses within the manual so that your content is shown to its best advantage.


Express delivery

Would you rather have your finished presentation yesterday than today? With our FastPass even overnight processing is possible.


Translations possible

Does your content need to be quickly translated into another language? No problem, with our partner editing service we can fulfill any request in any language. This investment is charged separately.


Yeah, I need that!


Do you have rough ideas that need to be brought into a beautiful and suitable form?


Presentations are the most important communication tool for companies. We can advise you on your project.
